I had the honor and privilege of covering the Summer Games of the Special Olympics Southern California on Saturday, June 13th, 2015 as a SpecialNeeds.com photographer alongside SpecialNeeds.com (http://www.specialneeds.com/) correspondent Robin Flutterby Borakove (https://www.facebook.com/robinaliece.borakove) and our valuable assistant Christina LaScala (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009438861185).

This was the first time I ever attended a Special Olympics event and how blessed am I for my first time to be as a media photographer with SpecialNeeds.com. The day was long and the pace relentless but it was an experience I will never forget and will cherish all my days. In addition, this day was invaluable to me as it definitely prepared me and opened my eyes to what I am to expect when I cover the Special Olympic World Games LA 2015 this July (http://www.la2015.org/) as a Special Olympics World Games approved media photographer with Specialneeds.com alongside Robin.

In reflecting back on that day, I find myself sharing the same thoughts as Robin recently wrote in a Specialneeds.com article of the event (http://www.specialneeds.com/children-and-parents/general-special-needs/great-day-special-olympics-long-beach): "One cannot help but leave with a renewed sense of human compassion. With more love and kindness being shared, it was truly The Most Extraordinary Experience I’ve Ever Witnessed!"

*If you'd like to learn more about my involvement in the Special Olympics World Games LA 2015, please visit my Facebook album here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1639594139596844.1073741883.1401793410043586&type=3

Slideshow soundtrack credit: "Fly" sung by Avril Lavigne and co-written with Chad Kroeger and David Hodges.
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